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ERDDAP > Files

ERDDAP's "files" system lets you browse a virtual file system and download source data files.
WARNING! The dataset's metadata and variable names in these source files may be different than elsewhere in ERDDAP! You might prefer using the dataset's Data Access Form instead. ("files" documentation, including "How can I work with these files?")
[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[DIR]Parent Directory--
[DIR]ARGO_LAST_10_DAYS_LOCATIONS/--ARGO: Last 10-day locations
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_ALoS/--Ship Allure of the Seas Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_ALoS_HR/--Ship Allure of the Seas Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_EQNX/--Ship Equinox Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_EQNX_HR/--Ship Equinox Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_Flora/--Ship Celebrity Flora Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_Flora_HR/--Ship Celebrity Flora Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_Gunter/--Ship RV Gordon Gunter Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_Gunter_HR/--Ship RV Gordon Gunter Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_HBig/--Ship RV Henry Bigelow Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_HBig_HR/--Ship RV Henry Bigelow Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_RBrown/--Ship RV Ronald Brown Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_RBrown_HR/--Ship RV Ronald Brown Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_Sko/--Ship MV Skogafoss Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_Sko_HR/--Ship MV Skogafoss Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_WSmith/--Ship RV Walton Smith Underway Data
[DIR]CO2_SHIPS_WSmith_HR/--Ship RV Walton Smith Underway Data. Hourly Downsampled.
[DIR]etopo180/--Topography, ETOPO1, 0.0166667 degrees, Global (longitude -180 to 180), (Ice Sheet Surface)
[DIR]etopo360/--Topography, ETOPO1, 0.0166667 degrees, Global (longitude 0 to 360), (Ice Sheet Surface)
[DIR]noaacwNPPVIIRSchlaSectorVYDaily/--Chlorophyll, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, 750m Sector VY, Daily
[DIR]noaacwNPPVIIRSkd490SectorVYDaily/--Kd490, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, 750m Sector VY, Daily
[DIR]noaacwNPPVIIRSkdPARSectorVYDaily/--KdPAR, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, 750m Sector VY, Daily
[DIR]noaacwNPPVIIRSSCIkd490SectorVYDaily/--Kd490, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, 750m Sector VY, Daily
[DIR]noaacwNPPVIIRSSCIkdPARSectorVYDaily/--KdPAR, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, 750m Sector VY, Daily
[DIR]XBT_LAST_10_DAYS_LOCATIONS/--XBT: Last 10-day locations
[WWW]documentation.html21-Dec-2024 15:17-Documentation for ERDDAP's "files" system.

29 directories, 1 file

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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